SW Risk Control Services

Fire Consequential Loss aka Business Interruption Loss

Fire Consequential Loss aka Business Interruption Loss insurance (FCL) is a type of insurance that provides coverage for losses sustained by a business due to a fire or other covered peril that results in an interruption of normal business operations. In simpler terms, fire insurance covers the assets of the business whereas FCL covers the business itself.

FCL policies are mostly purchased by businesses such as factory owners, workshops, retail shops, etc. to protect the business against losses caused by fire and other perils.

What We Do

We can extend your FCL to cover financial loses such as:

Loss of Profit

Loss of Rental

Non-Operational Expense Coverage

Loss of Revenue

Extra Production Maintenance Costs


What We Offer

Insuring against the losses mentioned above will have a significant impact on a business’s financial stability which is vital to ensure that the business can bounce back following the fire.

FCL is a very technical class of insurance as no two businesses is the same. This is very dependant on many factors such as standing charges, revenue, trend, production capabilities and technology, etc. We will study and analyse your business and your disaster recovery as well as business continuity plan and tailor the FCL insurance accordingly. Also, we will assist our clients for all insurance claims pursuant to the insurance policies bought through us.

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