SW Risk Control Services

Fire Insurance


Fire insurance in Malaysia is a type of insurance that provides coverage for losses or damages caused by fire, lightning and explosion caused by domestic gas to assets.

Fire insurance policies may be purchased by homeowners and renters alike as well as businesses such as factory owners, offices, workshops, shops, etc. to protect against losses caused by fire and other perils.

What We Do

We can extend the coverage to cover loss by other perils such as:


Impact Damage

Storm & Tempest


Subsidence & Landslide


What We Offer

Fire insurance is a technical class of insurance in the sense that classification of building and/or occupation as well as items insured has to be accurate or it will risk any potential claim to be rejected. We will personally survey your site and gather the relevant information to accurately design the fire insurance your business needs. Also, we will assist our clients for all insurance claims pursuant to the insurance policies bought through us.

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