SW Risk Control Services

Case Studies Details

Date: July 19, 2022

Category: Insurance Claims Assistants

Fire Lost

We were contacted by a manufacturing client to inspect and audit their insurances. Pursuant to the audit, we noticed that their business continuity plan does not align with the existing FCL policy, making the existing FCL ineffective, hence, the client was paying for nothing for several years.

We then revamped their new FCL policy to be align with their business continuity plan. About 4 years after revamping it, the client had suffered a massive fire which affected, amongst others, several of their production line. The client then activated its business continuity plan where the client managed to maintain their market share and revenue but at a much higher cost due to the fire.

Given that we were able to align their business continuity plan to the FCL, the client managed to claim the additional cost in full. The total claim was about RM500k.