SW Risk Control Services

Group Hospital & Surgical And Group Personal Accident Insurance

Group Hospital & Surgical (“GHS”) insurance is a type of insurance that provides coverage for medical expenses associated with hospitalisation and surgical procedures for a group of individuals, typically employees of a business or organization. This insurance is designed to help mitigate the financial burden that can come with unexpected medical costs, and to provide employees with access to quality medical care.

As for Group Personal Accident (”GPA”) insurance, it is a type of insurance that provides coverage for accidental injuries or death to a group of individuals, typically employees of a business or organisation.

What We Do

This insurance is designed to provide financial protection to employees and their families in the event of an accident, and can be designed to cover a range of benefits such as:

Medical Bills

Permanent Disability Payments

Temporary Disability Payments

Death Benefits

What We Offer

GHS & GPA insurance is important to a business as it helps to attract and retain employees by providing them with access to quality medical care and an additional layer of financial protection.

Second, it can help to increase productivity in the long run by ensuring that employees have access to medical care when it is needed. By providing coverage for hospitalisation and surgical procedures, employees are more likely to seek the medical care they need, which can help to prevent illnesses or injuries from becoming more serious and leading to longer periods of time away from work.

Third, it can help to reduce the financial impact of unexpected medical expenses or accidents on both employees and the business especially as hospitalisation and surgical procedures in Malaysia can be dreadfully expensive. 

Any business of any size as well as families can purchase GHS and GPA policies to protect the business or family against unexpected medical bills and to soften the blows following major accidents.

GPA and GHS are an administratively hard insurance policy to maintain as there is a lot to keep track in terms of who is insured and under what plan as well as the claims procedure. We will keep track of the employee’s insurance status as well as assist in regard to medical claims. We also will do annual or biannual talks to your employees on the coverage and the do’s and don’t.

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