SW Risk Control Services

Our Quick Response To A Fire With A Twist!

Fire hydrant in use by firemen

We were woken up by a call at about 2am from our client, frantically telling us that his factory cum office had caught fire and it was rather big. This client has been with us for many years and his business is more towards the medium side of SME. One of his risk management strategies was to buy fire insurance where he placed his business insurance with us for his factory, office and warehouse. We made our move to drive to our client’s premises and when we arrived, we saw bomba (fire fighters) fighting the flames and saw what’s left of the factory and office. To our surprise, about only half of the client’s factory was burnt down.

We worked with our client on the spot on how to proceed with their insurance claim (such as insurance claim documentation and insurance claim strategy) with reference to their factory insurance. As we were walking around the safe parts of the factory, we saw that the client had used almost all of their fire fighting facilities which were portable fire extinguishers, fire hydrant and hose reel systems.

We asked the floor manager what happened. Long story short, his workers spotted the fire and (fire damage was about 3 storeys tall) and did their very best to combat the fire whilst waiting for the bomba’s arrival. Their efforts did not put out the fire completely but it definitely prevented it from expanding rapidly. 

Fire Hydrant and Hose Reel

The damage in the form of the fire itself and the water used to fight the fire had taken a lot of the stock, machinery and part of the building. However, due the great efforts of bomba and the workers together with the fire fighting facilities invested by the owner, the client is still carrying out their operations albeit partially. 

We are currently assisting the client in their insurance claims preparation for submission to the insurance company as part of our insurance claims consultation service to clients who placed their insurance with us. 

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